Biomatrix uses the latest technologies and the highest quality and safest raw materials that meet the requirements of the European and US Pharmacopoeia
К сожалению, в ближайшее время семинаров не будет
Biomatrix uses the latest technologies and the highest quality and safest raw materials that meet the requirements of the European and US Pharmacopoeia
This is a series of online training courses on cosmetology from a developer and manufacturer of innovative professional cosmetology products from Novosibirsk
- The courses were created with the participation of expert doctors and developers of Biomatrix products
- Courses were created with the participation of expert doctors and developers of Biomatrix drugs
This is a series of online training courses on cosmetology from a developer and manufacturer of innovative professional cosmetology products from Novosibirsk
- The courses were created with the participation of expert doctors and developers of Biomatrix products
- Courses were created with the participation of expert doctors and developers of Biomatrix drugs